NFL players who kneel for the national anthem aren’t SOBs—they’re just spoiled—like all of us.


You’ve got it all wrong, Trump. NFL players who kneel for the national anthem aren’t sons of b*****s. On the contrary, most are sons of tough, loving, hard-working single moms who tried to instill character in their kids.

These players kneel because they can. And they can because patriots have bled and died for their right to do so. They also have a right to act foolishly. As do you when you go on your Twitter tears, Mr. Artsy Dealmaker.

Most NFL players have been coddled and cajoled since college, maybe even high school. They’re recruited to expensive programs, given the full free ride and plied and swaddled with scads of swag every step of the way. And once they hit the NFL big time, the money and influence multiplies exponentially.

Many of their moms’ life lessons are either mitigated by the law of the ‘hood or by the sudden freedom and power that’s thrust upon them with celebrity. Kind of like what power and wealth did to you, Trump—fooled you into thinking you can fire players by proxy through their teams’ owners.

That’s rich-kid thinking and is as beneath your office as you are. Do yourself a favor, Donald: Issue an executive order to ban yourself from your Twitter account. You come off as pampered and silly tweeting as these players do taking a knee.

Let’s face it—as Americans, we’re spoiled. What we need is a good invasion. We need an enemy to threaten our republic, to galvanize us in a to-the-death fight for our freedom. We could use a rallying cry to make us want to stand up and stand together when our anthem is played.

Only Steeler standing. Former Army Ranger and patriot Alejandro Villanueva
The kneeling NFL players show us just how self-satisfied and complacent we have become as a people and a nation. Remember the weeks and months after 9/11? We came together as Americans. There wasn’t any silly anthem kneeling. Nor should there have been.

The tool who started a movement

Colin Kaepernick. As a bard wrote, “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” Or in this case, the fury of a woman who considers herself scorned by her country because of the color of her skin. Nessa Diab, Kaepernick’s girlfriend, is a radio personality and full-on provocateur. She’s also the driving force behind Kaep’s NFL unemployment.

With race-baiting girlfriend tweets like this, it’s no wonder Kaep is persona non grata in NFL circles:


The top two are former NFL and Baltimore Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis with his arms around Ravens owner Steve Bisciotti. The bottom pair is a loyal slave with his arms around his master from the film, “Django Unchained.” Not hard to figure out this implication.

Colin Kaepernick remains unemployed by the NFL because he brings a busload of baggage. NFL owners are understandably reticent to sign him, not because he’s half black or because his girlfriend is a Muslim. And not even because he started this national anthem kneeling nonsense. He’s too hot to handle because his political negatives outweigh his football positives.

Kaep’s a borderline starting quarterback with horrendous throwing mechanics. He can’t read defenses any better than his girlfriend can heed the Constitution. NFL coaches want quarterbacks who are difference makers on the field, not on the sideline. And owners want to sell tickets and merchandise to fans who idolize their star players, not demonize them.

It’s an NFL business decision

Bottom line: Colin Kaepernick is just too much of a pain in the badonka. The only reason the current anthem kneelers haven’t been “fired,” as our spoiled rich-boy president pontificates, is because A) They aren’t quarterbacks, and B) Their play on the field makes up for their foolishness off of it.

Personally, I don’t give a rip whether they stand or kneel during the national anthem. Their choices don’t affect my patriotism or love of country in the least. Here’s all I want from them: Tackle violently, catch touchdown passes, and take the rock to the house. We pay them to provide exciting pro football, not to be flag waving, anthem respecting patriots.

So back off, Trump. Cool your jets, agenda-driven progressives. If NFL players wanna kneel, let’s let ’em kneel. Just as long as they go out there afterwards and knock the snot out of each other.

After all: “All’s well that ends well.” Except for those uber unsatisfying and winner-less overtime games. But that’s another rant for another Sunday.

Charlottesville hate and hypocrisy: How bigotry and intolerance afflicts all sides.


The disingenuousness of politicians, journalists and protesters over the tragedy in Charlottesville is symptomatic of a virulent American malady: historical and cultural myopia. It’s the culmination of identity politics, blinding bigotry and intentionally one-sided media coverage.

Here’s what happened: Two militant groups collided, violence ensued and many non-violent protesters were hurt. One was killed by a lunatic who used a vehicle as a weapon—like a terrorist.

Our president’s initial reaction: “We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides. On many sides.”

On many sides? Mr. President, don’t you mean on both sides? And don’t you mean hatred and bigotry on both sides with one side initiating violence toward the side that was chanting, “Jews will not replace us?”

Trust me, Hitler fanboys

No one wants to replace you. We just want you to go back to your caves. And by the way, Hitler was a world-class loser who, if he were your Fuhrer, would sacrifice your lives for his ideological fantasy just as readily as he sacrificed his own people’s lives.

Back to our leader. Here’s what Trump should’ve said (and meant): “We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred and bigotry. We denounce the white supremacists of the KKK, neo-Nazis and any other group or people who embrace racist ideology.

We also warn counter protesters, specifically ANTIFA, that if they come to protests and incite violence, as video suggests they did in Charlottesville, we will enforce law and order and hold all who do so accountable.”

ANTIFA is the anti-fascist, pro-communist, anarchist group that opposes fascists and their racism and bigotry with a weapon used by fascists—violence. It’s the group you may have never heard about because most media outlets say nary a word about it. They pretend there are only two sides: peaceful demonstrators and alt right brutes. ANTIFA is the enemy of their enemy—and ours, you see.

ANTIFA is the group that co-opts demonstrations against right-wing speakers like the anti-Milo Yiannopoulos spectacle at Berkeley.


Anti-freedom of speech

ANTIFA is the alt left group that incites college students to silence those whose views they cannot tolerate through violence and mob mayhem. And somehow, progressive politicians, educators and media members excuse this violence in the name of righteous resistance toward those who hold “intolerable” views.

N.D. B. Connolly, associate professor at the Johns Hopkins University, advocates violence against white supremacists when he writes, “Charlottesville showed that liberalism can’t defeat white supremacy. Only direct action can.”

In other words, we tried liberalism. It failed. Now it’s time to use violence to show white supremacists that we will not tolerate their racist views and ideologies. Nor do we recognize their right to free speech and assembly.


Is not this the essence of bigotry? Because the meaning of the word, like so many others, has become elusive through multitudinous misapplication, let’s refresh:

Bigotry defined

|ˈbiɡətrē| noun: intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.

Helpful tip: When you label someone a bigot because you cannot tolerate him because of an opinion he holds, by definition, you become one.

Contrary to media and the left’s silence and even hero-making of ANTIFA members, they are not heroes. Nor are they on the side of the peaceful protesters of Charlottesville, Berkeley or anywhere else. They’re on their own side.

For those of you who are interested in learning history rather than tearing it down, here’s an apt historical comparison:

ANTIFA members, like the ones who came armed and ready to attack the neo-Nazis in Charlottesville, operate similarly to the militant communists who clashed with the Nazi Sturmabteilung (SA) Brownshirts during Germany’s Weimar Republic.


These communists and especially those of the Alliance of Red Front-Fighters (RFB) routinely engaged in violent street fights with the police, the Brownshirts and those with whom they disagreed politically.

The SA and RFB simply could not tolerate the other’s viewpoints and rather than disagree and engage, they used violence. Just as ANTIFA used violence against the neo-Nazis in Charlottesville.

Zero tolerance for “intolerance”

The left’s argument is that the worldview of neo-Nazis and their ilk are fundamentally intolerable and should be resisted at every turn. I agree. I find them repugnant, brutish and nonsensical. However, I grant them and any other vile group in America their rights of free speech and peaceful assembly.

The left and alt left groups like ANTIFA grant them neither. Instead, they use violence and lawlessness to stamp out worldviews and political viewpoints they find intolerable.

Again, this is the essence of bigotry.


This self-righteous battle is why leftists in the media, politics and education are silent about ANTIFA, or worse, actually engage in hero-making and glorification of their cause. They justify violence in the name of anti-bigotry and anti-hate. How ironic.

Enough about the hypocrisy of ANTIFA and any group—left or right. Back to Trump’s incomplete condemnation speech.

Perhaps the president pandered to a fringe element of his base when he failed to name names. He should’ve condemned—by name—white supremacists, the KKK and any other vile group of fools who may or may not represent the criminal who plowed the car into the crowd and killed the young woman.

She should be the focus of this tragedy. Not political types like Mitt Romney and former Hillary spokesmen Brian Fallon.

Failing false equivalency 101

Consider this tangential Romney tweet in response to Trump’s initial “all sides” statement:

No, not the same. One side is racist, bigoted, Nazi. The other opposes racism and bigotry [with violence and bigotry, my words, not Mitt’s]. Morally different universes.

Uh, Mitt, did you just draw a false equivalency from a false equivalency? When Trump condemned hatred, violence and bigotry on many sides, did he say that each side is equally racist and bigoted? That each side operates in the same moral universe?

Speaking of false moral equivalencies, former Hillary campaign spokesmen Brian Fallon offered this tweet comparing ANTIFA to allied forces on D-Day:

Hey, Brian, do you seriously mean to equate ANTIFA’s clash with white supremacists in Charlottesville to  allied forces braving machine gun fire and artillery shells on the bloody shores of Normandy?

Brian Fallon not only gives ANTIFA a pass, he hails them as heroes for triggering the violence that precipitated the death of Heather Heyer.

Now there’s your false moral equivalency, Mitt Romney.

Toppling history. One statue at a time.

You may have heard people say things like, “As Americans, we are not Robert E. Lee.” Okay. But Robert E. Lee is America. So are slave owners George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Does anyone truly believe we can erase America’s past by defacing or toppling statues of historical figures?

Removing statues—and history—is what fascists do. It’s what the Nazi’s did when they burned books and banned ideas they found intolerant. They recreated a new national identity by sanitizing German history.

Toppling statues robs us of our history and makes villains of the complex, imperfect leaders that are inextricably part of our national heritage. How can we teach our children about Robert E. Lee—about his foibles and faults and good and bad character traits—if we banish him from history?

How can we explain to students now and in generations to come how Lee, by all contemporary accounts, was a good man who was on the wrong side of our bloody, heartbreaking civil war?


Statues are temporary. History is forever.

When we remove statues, we forever lose opportunities to provide generations of young people with visual likenesses of men and women who helped forge and develop our nation. Men and women who, like it or not, are woven into our historic national fabric.

Remove their likenesses, and what’s left is incoherent history. And a raggedy and torn national tapestry that though imperfect, was once whole and comprehensible.

We may as well tear out sections of history books and burn them on bonfires—like the Nazis did. They created a fantasy Germanic history devoid of imperfection and weakness. Their sanitized self-delusion stripped their culture of the frailty of their humanity.

How shortsighted we are to repeat history in a vain attempt to wipe clean our own. If we continue down this road, there will be more Charlottesvilles, more more tragedies and less freedom.

And if we lose our freedom, we lose the very thing that makes our nation one of a kind. We have a special history. Rather than purging it of its bad episodes—let’s learn from them.

State-sponsored anti-discriminatory discrimination? Way to fight “discriminatory” laws by discriminating against other states, California.

Image may be subject to copyright.When California deems other states’ laws as discriminatory, what do they do? They pass discriminatory laws to fight these discriminatory laws.

“Our country has made great strides in dismantling prejudicial laws that have deprived too many of our fellow Americans of their precious rights,” trumpets California Attorney General Xavier Becerra.

So in the spirit of prejudicial law dismantling, California has assembled a prejudicial law (AB 1887) that restricts state-funded travel to Tennessee, North Carolina, Mississippi, Kansas, Alabama, Kentucky, South Dakota and Texas.

“While the California DOJ works to protect the rights of all our people, discriminatory laws in any part of our country send all of us several steps back,” says Becerra. “That’s why when California said we would not tolerate discrimination against LGBTQ members of our community, we meant it.”

Zero tolerance of intolerance

It seems that California lawmaker considers any community in any state as their community and will not tolerate discrimination against any LGBTQ member in any community…because they’re part of California’s (global) LGBTQ community, you see. Wait…what?

We are the world. Or at least the nation. Or maybe just the state.

Which discriminatory laws of other states prompted heroic measures like AB 1887? Here’s one:

Mississippi’s “Protecting Freedom of Conscience from Government Discrimination Act” (House Bill 1523) prohibits the state from discriminating against churches and businesses that believe marriage should be between one man and one woman and who decline to provide services to facilitate same sex marriages because doing so would violate “a sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction.”

Here’s another:

South Dakota’s Senate Bill 149 shields faith-based and private child placement agencies from state-sponsored discriminatory measures. This means that if these agencies refuse to provide any service, including adoption or foster care services, on the basis of their religious convictions, the state will not retaliate against them.

So rather than “opening the door to discrimination” as opponents claim, the bills actually close the door on state-sponsored discrimination against the free exercise of religion—in theses cases—the violation of religious entities sincerely held beliefs.

Chucking the discriminatory First Amendment

State retaliation against religious entities, which violates the First Amendment separation of church and state, is an unconstitutional practice California champions and demands that other states employ…or…dun dun DUN! They’ll wield the incredibly intimidating travel ban.

It seems that Texas and the other pariah states are shaking in their boots. Here’s a response from the Texas Governor’s office: “California may be able to stop their state employees, but they can’t stop all the businesses that are fleeing over taxation and regulation and relocating to Texas.”

Snark attacks and giggles aside, the crux of this debate is this:

California considers faith-based entities sincerely held beliefs concerning gender, marriage and sexuality backward and discriminatory. They will not tolerate discrimination in any form, but don’t seem to realize that using state power to discriminate against entities they deem discriminatory is a form of discrimination. And so is their silly travel ban.

Or worse—they know very well that they’re doing the very thing they decry, but justify it based on their sincerely held beliefs. Beliefs that run counter to theirs “send all of us several steps back,” as California Attorney General Xavier Becerra so sanctimoniously pronounced.

According to Becerra, California will not tolerate people being “deprived” of their “precious” rights—except those people whom California seeks to deprive of their constitutional religious liberty rights.

Dear Governor Brown and California lawmakers,

If your voters allow you to abuse the power of your state to discriminate against citizens and private businesses, that’s their failure. Why would you expect other states to believe as you do and jettison the constitutional separation of church and state? Do you truly believe that your beliefs about gender, marriage and sexuality trump others’ beliefs?

A travel ban? Really? AB 1887 makes you look arrogant, small-minded and silly. Sorry, but your bill is as impotent as it is self-important.

Here’s a time-tested truth: Your sincerely held beliefs about marriage and gender are the product of a relatively recent zeitgeist and are shared by a minority. Notwithstanding, the Constitution protects your right to hold them.

Vast majorities in societies worldwide for centuries have embraced sincerely held beliefs regarding marriage and gender. Don’t they deserve the same protection?