Cali Crazy: A Texan’s take on the Golden State—part 5—Making us better citizens: one lightbulb and gun law at a time


I’ve noticed something about California lawmakers: They don’t trust us citizens to be good people on our own. So they create laws to help us become better people … with their help.

As a doofus Texan, do I need the enlightened folks in Sacramento to help me be a better person? Nope. When it comes to lightbulbs and handguns, I need a nanny state like I need a hole in the head.

Take the legislative push to help Californians use less energy, for instance. If you add floodlights to the outside of your home, by law they must have motion sensors that kick them on when the neighbor’s cat triggers them at 3 a.m.

Why can’t you just leave them turned off when you go to bed, you ask? Because this is much too commonsensical. You see most Californians can’t be trusted to turn off their floodlights before turning in.

The folks in Sacramento know this right well, which is why they created a law to help mitigate our thoughtlessness.

However, if you buy newer, more efficient LED floodlights, you don’t need a motion sensor built in. It’s kind of a carrot, you see—do the right thing, and buy an energy efficient LED floodlight, and it doesn’t matter that you’re still likely to leave your floodlight on. This way, thoughtlessly burning it all night uses much less energy.

I have LEDs because they use a fraction of the energy fluorescents and incandescents use. It’s smart and cheaper. Do I need a law to be wise and thrifty? Do you?

Guns Guns GUNS!

The handling of the “gun issue” in California is the mother of all efforts to make us citizens better people. And here’s an irony—once a part of the Old West where saloon disputes were solved with revolvers on main street, California has become an overprotective, hyper-legislative wuss of a state.

Texas is the rootinest tootinest shootinest hombre east and north of the Rio Grande. And for some reason, I take a heap of pride in this distinction. Mostly for this reason—through all its bluster, Texas runs on common sense.

Funny thing is that for years as a Texas resident, I didn’t give a hoot about owning a gun. But after moving to California and experiencing the angst and annoyance many Northern Californians felt during the Obama years, I now exercise my Second Amendment rights with grit and gusto.

You see when a silly pseudo-Old West state like California tries to force itself on me for my own protection, I’m likely to protect myself from it. It’s called Freedom, and it’s mighty scarce ’round here.

A matter of trust

It all boils down to this: California lawmakers, many of them hailing from the Northeast either directly or one or two generations removed, don’t trust their citizens—or anyone for that matter—to do the right thing. This goes for energy use and for self and/or property protection.

In the case of firearms, these Yankee know-it-alls think California citizens don’t need those dangerous, treacherous things. Do you know how many people guns kill people in California annually? A big, fat zero. Criminals kill people…with guns.

Not sure the folks in “Sac” as they call the Cali capitol ’round here understand something elementary about guns: They need a finger to trigger them. Otherwise, they’re just pieces of steel or alloy. And limiting their magazines to 10 rounds won’t do a thing.

You see, it’s not like bad people are gonna abide by the law and make sure their magazines are legal capacity. They don’t follow the rules in getting weapons; why would they give two shakes about a 10-round magazine limit?

Logical state: Criminals will always have and use guns.
Logical measure: Allow more good guys and girls to have guns.
Logical conclusion: Good can more effectively combat evil.

Update: Well, what do you know? This happened in Texas on Wednesday, May 3, 2017—just three days before this post: 

Police: ‘Good Samaritan’ kills active shooter in Texas sports bar

Good guy with gun stops bad guy with gun and saves others.

Trusting citizens

In the rare instance a background-checked and trained conceal carry licensed citizen can use his or her weapon to protect others and him or herself, the 10-round limit gives the criminal the advantage in a firefight.

Here’s an idea: Instead of forcing citizens to carry more magazines (which negates concealment, by the way), why not let conceal carry permit holders use magazines that hold as many rounds as the handgun can manage?

Level the playing field between good guy and bad guy, right? Common sense? Nope.

California lawmakers don’t consider this commonsensical; they think it’s dangerous. Why? The answer brings us back to an earlier point: If they don’t trust us to turn off floodlights, why would they trust us with guns?

The truth is they would like to forbid gun ownership in California … period. It’s that simple. They think citizens who want to own and use guns shouldn’t.

Their legislative message is this: Don’t be a right-wing, gun-crazy nutjob. That’s what Texans are for.

4 Replies to “Cali Crazy: A Texan’s take on the Golden State—part 5—Making us better citizens: one lightbulb and gun law at a time”

  1. Ok Uber – 1st since I am an aging flower child I do believe in saving and protecting this earth, small footprint – the whole thing. We had a foreign exchange student from Germany stay with us years ago. She thought Americans were very wasteful and were not doing what we needed to do to save our earth. When you come from a small country I guess you learn early that every inch is precious.

    Second, our oldest son has been a policeman for almost 20 years. He carries a gun always. Policemen get shot. Guns are not magic – which is what the NRA has been selling for years. So many fall for their propaganda, bring a gun into their home, have a lapse for 1 minute, a child picks up that gun and either harms himself or someone else and lives are forever changed. Last I heard that happens weekly.

    You may laugh because, of course, there is no law that could prevent such a thing. But I have read what that NRA (VP, I think) says, and he sounds crazy as a loon. Now that guy should scare everyone. Now that the NRA/gun manufacturers lost their favorite bogey man/woman/party, they are slipping in sales. I don’t want to lose another industry, but it is hard to empathize with a company that laughs all the way to the bank when there is a mass shooting.

    Every time i think about those angels that were mowed down like an arcade game at their school and try not to think what their last moments were like, I remember the “shit happens” shrug they got from the Republicans when they just wanted a “conversation” on gun control.

    Sorry, touched a nerve. I do not want to take anyone’s gun away, but stop pretending every person out there has the capacity for good judgement 24/7. Guns were invented to kill and that is what they do. The NRA/gun manufacturers want to make money by selling guns. Their concern for your rights begins and ends with their ability to do so.

    When I was on Facebook last year I was accused of not loving my family enough because I didn’t own a gun. This is from fellow Californians.

    I won’t even go into the fight for silencers and what type of man on the street thinks he needs the same type of protection that a boots on the ground soldier does. How many times have you had to empty a clip into your attacker?

    1. Hi, Joanne

      I agree with you about protecting the earth, and I’m sure that, as a country, we’re pretty wasteful. I look at protecting the earth as being a good steward of God’s beautiful creation.

      What I don’t like is the state’s forcing me to care for the earth through legislation. And I know that many don’t share our sense of responsibility for the environment. I see that weekly when I pick up trash people toss onto part of our property. But rather than one-size-fits-all lawmaking, maybe we could spend the money for legislation and enforcement on effective marketing.

      I use all LED lights because they use a fraction of the energy. I enjoy their light qualities, too. But again, don’t force me to use them, California; I can make that smart decision on my own. Don’t need a nanny state to do the right thing.

      Guns and crime are no laughing matter. But here’s my logic: Criminals will always get and have and use guns. How does it make sense to hamstring law abiding citizens by making it so hard for them to have guns? Do you know that by California state law I, as a CCW permit holder, must stay at least 1,000 feet away from schools while carrying. Which I rarely do, by the way. If I drive by an elementary school and hear shots fired and see an assailant gunning down kids on the playground, I would have to commit a felony to intercede and shoot the son of a gun? Do you realize how many lives could be saved if good guys and girls were allowed to carry weapons in gun-free zones that criminals can turn into shooting galleries? The truth is that California gun laws protect criminals and disadvantage good citizens.

      Logic: Criminals will always have and use guns. Logic: Allow more good guys and girls to have guns. Logical conclusion: Closer to even field in which good can combat evil.

      I don’t like the NRA either, and its leader creeps me out. When I get a piece of marketing mail from them, it goes straight in the trash. They’re way too political and activist for my taste.

      It’s tough to get a CCW permit. You have to have five solid references, pass a background check, sit through a four-hour class every two years, and demonstrate competent shooting. I don’t pretend every person can handle the responsibility. Don’t put words in my mouth, Sandi, I mean, Gloriamarie … Just kidding 😉 Don’t hit hit me. By the way, how’s life in JP land?

      I would never accuse you of lacking love because you don’t own a gun. And I guess I’m a Californian … now. Or maybe a Texafornian.

      How many times have I had to empty a clip into my attacker? Do you mean that figuratively … online? If so, I would need a gatling gun and even that wouldn’t be enough :-).

      I’m glad you replied, Joanne. I hope you know that I’m not a rightwing gun nut and that you’re my favorite liberal hippie.

  2. Thank you for your response. I haven’t been on JP’s territory in a couple of weeks. I just couldn’t take it anymore. Kinda freaked me out because never in my life have I irritated people (except my husband and kids). I am a lover not a fighter.

    I do not really know that much about gun laws so I didn’t realize what you had to go through. What did you think about them easing restrictions on those with mental issues?d. If laws worked we wouldn’t have any need for jails. I hold the NRA/gun manufacturers responsible for their propaganda.

    And I do understand about not wanting to give up an inch on gun laws because I feel the same way about women’s choice. You give an inch and the next thing is you have lost your voice over your own body. Abortion is horrible but there has to be a way to to approach a problem with new and different ideas. Because for many issues, the same old way never has and never will work.

    Did you ever wonder if everyone had open carry that how would you know who the bad guy was until he shot you? I don’t think bad guys will challenge you to a quick draw contest like on TV westerns.

    I admire anyone with a talent, like writing, or sharp shooting. I have never owned a gun and neither did my parents. Now, my hands are pretty messed up with arthritis so I am positive I would shoot myself first.

    I am happy to read your blog.

    1. Hi, Joanna

      I revised this post with an update that proves my point. I love it when life proves me right ;-).

      If they ease restrictions on people with OCD or something less aggressive or problematic like OCD, I’m okay with it. There are myriads of nonviolent mental issues that people deal with who can still be competent to own a gun.

      I’ve got an idea about how to avoid abortion and out of wedlock pregnancies—wait until your married ;-). Or be more responsible with birth control. Or give your baby to a couple of wannabe parents who would absolutely love to have a child. Oops, my commonsensical Texan is coming out again. :D.

      Texas is open carry, but you have to go through a lot of hoops to do it. I would rather be able to watch someone draw from a holster than wonder what they’re doing with their hand in their pants or if they have a weapon at all. Plus, it’s comforting to know that other good guys around me and my family are armed and willing to be “Good Samaritans” and stop the creep in his tracks. Would it comfort you? Think of Rooster Cogburn as you answer ;-).

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